Ayurveda Postpartum Doula Support for New Born Mums

We welcome your new baby into this world with open arms. And while everyone wants to hold and see the baby, I’m here to hold you.
Hi, I’m Johanna. A trained Postpartum Doula. I hold space for New Born Mothers. The journey into motherhood can be far greater and more challenging than childbirth itself. Unlike a midwife, a Doula is not medically trained but trained in supporting Mum and the family. Holding space, sharing knowledge and supporting everyone on this beautiful new journey.
As the Mother, you are the most important person. Your love is what your new child needs but your journey into this new world can often be a challenge to navigate. Whether you’ve done this all before or it’s your first time, this is an unknown time. It doesn’t matter how many books you read, or words of wisdom your friends before you share, motherhood is hard. And so, I am here for you.

How am I different to other Doula’s?
With over 18 years combined learned and lived knowledge in Massage, Ayurvedic Therapy and as a Postpartum Doula (along with being a Mother of two) I help to heal New Born Mums after birth. I help you to nourish, nurture and heal from the inside out. I will hold space to help you recover from pregnancy, and to heal from the birth.
This is done by providing nourishing healing foods and helping you understand traditional
Your most important job right now is to love and feed your new baby. And to feel peace and joy.

Why do you need an AyuDoula?
Everyone needs support and there is no greater time than right after the birth of a child. An AyuDoula provides new Mums with the emotional and physical support that family members and friends may find difficult because of the emotional attachment.
Together, we will:
- Find ways for your new birth as a Mother to be as enjoyable, relaxing, nurturing, healing and loving as possible.
- Come up with plans on correct nutrition for your recovery as well as for baby, should you choose to breast feed.
- Come up with strategies that bring you happiness and keep you connected to who you are, your values, your choices and your beliefs.
- Help with teaching you settling techniques and wrapping techniques of baby.
- Discuss any extended help needed and how to keep your oxytocin levels high and stress levels low.
- Listen to your partner on their expectations and discuss both individually and as a family.
My promise to you, is that I will:
- Hold a non-judgmental space for your family as a whole.
- Keep an open heart and an open mind for all that you share with me in total confidence.
- At all times, do my best to hold love and respect to all your requests both individually and as a family.
- Help prevent postpartum depression.
- Support you in finding the right support outside of the Doulas scope if need be.
- Help avoid depletion, mentally and physically
- Keep you nourished and nurtured both through food and oil massage.
I honour a new Mother’s vulnerability, her emotions and her physical body.
I like to follow the traditions of the Mothers who have come before us. In many cultures, the healing and nurturing immediately after birth for the next 42 days sets your body up for the next 40 years. Speak with Johanna about a plan that suits your timeframe and needs.