Solace. Where you are welcome to rest, heal, take solace.

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What are the BARS®?

What are the BARS?

At Solace Massage & Natural Therapies, Ged offers combinations of Access Consciousness® treatments including the fundamental Access BARS®. The BARS are 32 points on the head which correlate to thoughts, feelings and emotions. Ged calls it “reflexology for the head”. Any blocks and limitations you may ‘THINK’ you have around creativity, money, healing and others – can be cleared by gently pressing and holding these points, whilst pulling energy through your body. So All of life can come to you with Ease, Joy and Glory®.

Are you willing to claim the potency of you?

“Well, what will that mean?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“What will it look like?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“What will happen?”
“I can’t tell you that either. You are just going to have to claim it if you
are willing to have it.” –
excerpt from ‘Being You, Changing the
World’ – Dr Dain Heer, Co-Founder of Access Consciousness.

So many times we have been told or taken on the point of view – we are wrong, our body is wrong, our goals are pointless – instead the tools of Access aim to aide you with the habit of asking a question – What if you were never wrong? What can I choose in this 10 seconds? What would MY body desire right now?

You are an infinite, powerful being, with limitless possibilities – Does that feel light?

The BARS is a clearing modality, so letting go of all of the heaviness of others projections, judgements, truama, negative self-talk – whilst the tools in Access are all about empowering you right now!

Light, or heavy?

Anything which is true for us, always makes us lighter –
anything which is a lie for your body, makes us heavier. Light or heavy? Which
would your body desire?

What you can expect from a BARS session

Some say it’s a really relaxing hour’s sleep. For others, your whole life can change!
Generally it can feel like a ‘mental re-set’. Here is some recent feedback from our
incredible clients:

“Was like anaesthetic. How did you just do that? Wow. I feel great. I didn’t go to sleep – felt like it though.”

“Wow – I feel like a different person. It was like I was asleep, but not. My body feels protected.”

“I felt the energy up and down my body. Shift across my body.”

Access Consiousness Clearing Statement

There is also the Access Consiousness Clearing Statement which verbally cuts through the energy to transform stuckness from your body. To explain the Clearing Statement in full, here is the Co-Founder of Access Consciousness® Dr Dain Heer, which is used throughout a session.

Access Body Processes

There are over 50 body processes in Access which facilitate the energetic systems of the body as they were designed to be. For unlocking trauma – emotional and physical, immune system, scar tissue and injuries – certain parts of the body are held as we run the process which would most be a contribution to your body during the individual session.

Desire even more change and ease?

During a session it may be required to clear deeper topics, whilst your BARS or Body Processes are being run. The Access Verbal Processing, involves simple questions and ‘Truth’ statements, as your body has the answers and is always trying to communicate with your ‘inner being’. Verbal Processing also allows for developing trust with the energy and empowering you to know that you know.

Ready to book your next Access BARS® Treatment?

At Solace Massage and Natural Therapies in Coolum Beach, we
have a combination of Access BARS® & Body Process Sessions available.
Book your next appointment today and let your body rest, heal, take solace.

Reset your mind and body.
Take some time out for you.
Rest, heal, take solace.